Adthena's Whole Market view includes search terms that many of your competitors are appearing on that have been identified as similar in language to search terms that you are currently appearing on.
This list of terms is not static and Adthena is constantly looking for new terms to add by crawling your website and your competitor's websites and also by searching thousands of Search Terms every minute! Thanks to the frequency with which we search and the amount of data we manage, Adthena is capable of selecting a very accurate list of Search Terms.
However, if you find there are Search Terms that matter to your business for different reasons beyond traffic and competition, then you can add new terms to your account so that Adthena includes them when reporting on your search landscape.
To do so, just follow these steps:
- Access your Adthena account, navigate to Search Terms on the left hand side panel, click on Search Terms Groups and go to the the User Managed tab at the top
- Find the group that you wish to add the terms to (or create a new group following the steps in this article) and click on the Edit button
- Click Add Search Term, type the term (lowercase without any punctuation characters), then press the Enter key
- Alternatively to add many terms you should create a list in a single column and save the file as a .csv in UTF-8 format. Then click the Upload CSV button at the top right corner
Once the upload is complete, you will see the search terms now listed in the group and Adthena will start collecting data on these. It takes about 48 hours for data to start showing up for new search terms.
Long tail terms
For search terms that get very few searches it is more difficult for our models to predict the behaviour on these terms. Also 2-3 searches per day equates to less than one click shared between all competitors, so there is little insight to be found on these terms.
However, if there is a particular low volume term that has significant impact for you or collectively these long tail terms make up the bulk of your Adwords spend then let us know so that we can discuss the best options.
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