Captured infringements can be exported in CSV format which can provide a lot of information to use for insight analysis - below, you can see what each of the columns means.
Rule Name: refers to the name you have given to this rule when it was created.
Infringement ID: Internal Adthena ID unique to that advert at that data and time.
Date: is the date when the infringement was captured by Adthena
Time: is the exact time of the day when Adthena captured the infringement.
Search Term: refers to the term used in Google Search to bring up the ad causing the infringement captured.
Position: the Paid ad position that the ad appeared in. 'T' = top of the page (above the Organic results), 'R' = right side (Bing) and 'B' = bottom of the page.
Competitor: is the domain (as in, of the company that triggered the infringement .
Title: The line displayed as the title of the captured ad.
Description: The copy used in the first line of the ad.
Display URL: URL of the brand or company who posted the ad.
Destination URL: the landing page.
Ad Click URL: is the full Google Search URL in which the ad captured appear. When appealing to Google, you'll want to use this URL as evidence for the appeal. Only Google will be able to view this URL so don't worry that it returns a 404 error when visited.
Evidence Link: will open the Adthena Application and show you a screenshot of the ad as it was captured on the Google Search results page including a date an timestamp and an export button.
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