There are two types of labels on Trend Charts, Hover labels and Pop-up labels
Hover Labels
To see these labels, click the checkbox to the top-right of the chart 'Show pointer values'.
Moving your mouse across the chart will move a vertical line and show a box containing the x-axis value (date) and y-axis values (e.g. Impression Share % or Average CPC etc) for each competitor:
Pop-up Labels
Seeing the specific values and how they have changed over time will help highlight significant changes, especially for smaller competitors.
Each point on the Trend Chart can be clicked on to open a label which shows the following details:
- Competitor name with trend line indicator
- Date
- y-axis value i.e. Share, Position, CPC etc
- Top 5 search terms ordered by importance (most impressions or clicks or spend depending on chart type). Clicking 'More' will open a new tab, taking you directly to Search Term Detail for a complete list
- Labels can be re-sized by clicking and dragging the bottom-right corner. They can also be moved by clicking and dragging the header/title area.
- Click on 'X' or use the Esc key on your key to close a label
*TIP* One of the most useful ways to generate an insight is by opening a label at the bottom of a sharp spike and one at the peak of the incline and comparing if the two periods have the same search terms in the top 5.
Which 5 terms are displayed in the label?
The terms (up to 5) are the most important according to the selected and applied filters. For example, the five most clicked terms in the selected search term group for that particular competitor on that particular day.
How are the terms in the label ranked?
By search volume - highest to lowest
Why do labels only show a maximum of 5 terms?
In most cases the top few terms in a search term group or filter generate the majority of search volume, which means that changes among this group of terms gives the required detail into the insight.
How can I close/remove all open trend chart labels?
Refresh the page, by clicking the refresh button on your browser or reset the Trend chart by clicking Market Trends in the left navigation menu
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