Historical Data Availability
For a new account on Adthena, how far back will we be able to see data?
Official commentGreat question. Generally, within the Adthena platform, you’ll be able to see your historical data in three different views:
- Daily view going back 30 days
- Weekly view going back 13 months, and a
- Monthly view with no limitation
When your account is first set up in Adthena, the amount of historical data available depends on the exact terms in your account. When a search term is added to your account, either because it’s part of your Whole Market, or manually added by you, any historical data available for that search term in that location will be available in the application. This means that if we had been collecting any data, in the past, on that term, it would automatically appear. A note on the metrics: We only store historical data on CPCs and Estimated CTR, while we use the most recent volume metric for current and past calculations of clicks and impressions.Comment actions
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