Community Code of Conduct
Adthena Community: Code of Conduct
Welcome to the Adthena Community, a place for our users to connect, help one another, and share best practices. We value your contributions and want to make this a safe and welcoming space for everyone, so we have a few asks.
Please read through these requirements before participating, and note that we will remove any posts that we believe violate the zero-tolerance policy or guidelines below. If you do not agree with this Code of Conduct and our Privacy Policy, you may not participate.
Our zero-tolerance policy:
We will not permit any racist, sexist, discriminatory, threatening or insulting comments that in our sole opinion harass, belittle or demean any member of the community, including Adthena staff. We may immediately remove posts that in our sole discretion discriminate based on gender, sexual orientation, disability, age, race, ethnicity or religious beliefs. Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behaviour may be reported by contacting Adthena staff at All complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances.
Five key guidelines:
1. Use the community for discussion, not tech support
The Community is a great place to ask questions about using the platform, share product hacks, and get tips. But for troubleshooting, urgent matters, gripes, venting, and/or resolution of technical issues, always open a ticket with Adthena.
2. Keep it friendly
This is a space for members at all levels of expertise to ask questions and share advice. Please keep all posts and responses respectful and kind.
- If you wouldn’t want your employer to see it, don’t post it
- Do not use foul or inappropriate language
- Don’t take it personally if people stay incognito; many users have confidentiality agreements with Adthena, and all users are welcome to participate anonymously
Courtesy tip: Give plenty of context in your posts, providing details and screenshots if appropriate to help others understand your question.
3. Nix the promotional content
Do not use the Community to promote or link to your clients, agency, vendors or any other company, product, service, or worldview.
4. Expect and respect privacy
All Community users are welcome and encouraged to participate 100% anonymously, if needed. While you are welcome to share your contact info, you should never be asked, nor should you ask, for identifying information by or about any other user.
5. Bear with us
We will monitor user conduct as closely and frequently as we can, and we may even pipe up with suggestions and answers to questions from time to time. But we’re human. We ask for your patience and that you refer all urgent or truly business-critical concerns to Adthena support for fast response and resolution.
Thank you.
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