Your Summary Dashboard visualizes key insights from the previous week, whilst also highlighting ‘quick win’ actionable items. In this article we’ll talk about:
The trend chart shows your share of clicks over the last 7 days (up to and including yesterday) for My Terms (terms you have shown an advert for in the past 30 days), for both desktop and mobile. The vertical is the percentage of clicks and and hover over each point on the chart to open a label, which details the exact percentage.
Tip: Expect to see a flat line - any sharp spikes should be investigated in Market Trends.
You can choose to download the chart in other formats including PNG, JPEG or SVG vector image by clicking the menu button on the top right of the chart.
Quickly identify Search Term Opportunities you’re missing out on from the last 7 days (updated 2 days ago). Missing Brand Terms shows terms that contain any of your brands where competitors are showing ads but you are not, as well as the number of additional clicks you could potentially gain by bidding on them.
Click the quick link to view these terms in more detail and view all opportunities by clicking ‘View search term opportunities’.
Protect your brand, reduce competition and costs by immediately seeing which of your brand terms your competitors are infringing on from the last 7 days (updated 2 days ago).
Clicking the quick link shows the infringements for the last 7 days in more detail and ‘View Infringements’ shows you all infringements for the last 30 days.
Discover new Adverts, react more quickly and improve your messaging by monitoring new adverts discovered in the last 7 days on your terms; the left column is always your domain and data can also be filtered by desktop or mobile.
The quick link under each competitor will take you to Top Ads for a detailed view of the new adverts shown by this competitor and View new adverts takes you to the same page but will show ALL new adverts for ALL competitors.
You can choose to download the data in other formats including PNG, JPEG or SVG vector image by clicking the menu button on the top right of the chart.
A Lone Ranger is a search term where your domain is the top organic result and are the only paid ad at the at the top of the search engine results page over a period of 7 days. Text ads at the bottom of the SERP are not considered when identifying a Lone Ranger. The data is refreshed every 3 days.
You can also see your potential savings from the last 7 days (updated 2 days ago); the quick link takes you to Search Term Detail for these specific search terms. Clicking View Market Share will show you which competitors are appearing for organic data on your terms.
Why don’t the values shown on the Summary Dashboard exactly match the data shown when I click on a quick link?
To ensure that the Summary Dashboard page loads within a few seconds, we pre-calculate the data and store the results; this process takes 2 days. However, the values should match very closely so if this is not the case or you would like to discuss a specific instance then let us know.
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