Top Ads shows paid desktop and mobile adverts that have been shown by you and your competitors when we searched for any of your search terms.
The table shows:
- Competitor - Who was displaying the ad?
Advert text - Insights that can be gained using this information:
- What offers, prices and calls-to-action are your competitors using?
- How is each offer or message affecting the average position?
- How many ads is each competitor running concurrently?
- How tailored are competitors ads to search terms or do they generally use generic messaging?
- How frequently do your competitors refresh their ad copy?
- Is a competitor AB testing? i.e. running similar ads then pausing those in the lower positions and continuing with the most successful ad
- Estimated Impressions - Search volume of the search terms over the Display Length multiplied by Frequency. Example: If a search term is searched for 100 times (search volume) and the search result is displayed for 10 days (display length), and it appears 5 times for each search (frequency), then the calculation would be: 100 / 10 * 5 = 500.
Position - The average position on the search results page achieved by this advert and the best position achieved by this advert.
- T = Top of the page
- B = Bottom of the page
- Search terms - The number of different search terms we have seen this advert appear on. Clicking on the Quick filter icon next to the count in the Search Terms column will link through to Search Term Detail filtered for that specific advert.
- Frequency - Percentage of appearances out of all the times searched, weighted by search volume.
Display Length - The Display Length is number of days over which the advert has been seen and will be the difference between the first seen date and last seen date, even if the advert was not seen every day during the period.
- Current = The advert was seen within the last 7 days of the selected end date.
- More than 1 week old = The advert has not been seen for more than a week
Top Ads can be filtered by competitor, group or search term just like other pages in the application. You also can filter ads containing or excluding specific text.
- Click on Filters to open the filter options
- Click either Filter by or Exclude
- Select Ad Text from the drop down
- Enter some text in the text box then press Enter (key on keyboard)
- Click the Apply button to apply the filter
Note that the 'Ad Text' filter is treated as an AND filter rather than an OR like other filters in the application, so if multiple ad texts are entered then they must all appear in the advert
You can also filter for New Ads or Current Ads by selecting the desired checkbox in the filters section.
- 'New' returns ads that were first seen within a week of the selected end date.
- 'Current' returns ads that were last seen within a week of the selected end date.
Date Picker
The date picker in the top right corner is fund in most areas of the app and allows you to adjust the timespan of the chart or table data.
- Days: Select specific days or sets of days from the last 30 days.
- Weeks: Selecting a date older than 30 days will show weekly data. Weekly data spans from Sunday (when it's aggregated) to Saturday. This means you'll always see data up to the previous Saturday, regardless of your selected end date. Select specific weeks or sets of weeks from the last 13 months.
- Months: Selecting a date older than 13 months will show monthly data. Select specific months or sets of months such as quarters or years.
Export data
Click the Export button above the table and a CSV file will be created.
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