Trademark Infringements
How can I use Adthena data to get ads removed when competitors use my brand name in their messaging?
Official comment
The easiest way to catch competitors in the act and prevent them from using your brand name is through our Infringement Rules.
First, set up your Infringement Rules based on what you want to monitor. In your rules, you can choose which search terms, competitors and ad text you wish to monitor. Once the infringement rule is set up, Adthena will start monitoring your competitors for trademark violations. You can also check out our article on best practices here if you’d like a few more tips.
After some time, you can then download the infringement report by exporting a .CSV of the file. Do this by heading to Infringement Management in the menu bar on the left hand side. The report will show you the date the Infringement occurred, a timestamp and screenshot of the SERP. You’ll also be provided with an evidence link. You should then report it directly to the publisher by completing the correct form:
- Google -
- Bing -
If you’re still looking for support, we have a few more help centre articles dedicated to this topic:
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